Former Toxic Dollz

Jeff Bohr

If Ricki was the founding father of the band, JAB must have been the founding mother. Co-wrote much of the early stuff. Hobbies include making people's bowels move with sound. Left because the Dollz were too mainstream for him. Yikes.
Tory Boyd
Tory Boyd
"Tory, Stormee, Kevin, whatever yer name is this week..."

The first singer. May be related to Alice Cooper. Hobbies include amateur chemistry. Responsible for the Spaghetti Station Massacre. Replaced by Tommy Phillips.
Dave London
"Davey-Boy Luvin'"

The original rhythm guitar guy. Hobbies include guitar tuning and dating your mom. The Dollz were originally a five piece. Dave left and there were four.

Rest in Peace Brother October 18, 1960 - March 29, 2004
Dave London
Tommy Phillips
Tommy Phillips
"Nasty Racket"

The next singer. Decent pipes but about as sleazy as a Bingo game. Did his own tattoos - in marker. Killed in a bizarre hot-air ballooning accident when his head exploded. Replaced by Jamii T.
Troy Kelly
"How many poly's did you kill to make those pants?"

The first bassist. Responsible for the senseless murder of a defenseless B.C. Rich in front of 400 witnesses. A great hunter, he shot Raw's pants - not to mention hundreds of polys. Replaced by Traci Studrox.
Troy Kelly
Traci Studrox
Traci Studrox

Ah, Studrox. Where do we begin? The next bassist. Special interests include Mad Dog 20/20, fire extinguishers, and explosives. Facial expressions suggest he is a direct descendant of Cornelius. Replaced by S.S. Teezer.
Denny X
"These feet were made for walkin'...""

...and that's just what they did. Don't go barefoot on our stage, 'cuz there might be live butts out there. Thought we'd try the 5 piece thing again. Didn't last long.
Denny X
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